The first nail-focused beauty blog


OPI SUNBelievable Collection

SUNBelievable = Summer sun + unbelievable style!

Sunbelievable by OPI captures all the sizzling color and casual attitude of summer style in four playfully pretty shades for nails.

I’m loving all the fun yellows coming out this season. Whereas neon orange seemed to be the hit of Summer ’08, yellow is making its presence known this year. And even though blue has become relatively mainstream, I’m a sucker for anything offbeat so this collection is totally dialed into my taste.

I suspect OPI may have tinkered with its formula for this collection. It applied a bit different than I expected. The polishes are all thin and semi-sheer almost jelly-ish in consistency. With one noted exception, they all required three coats.

Sea? I Told You is what I had hoped the sheer Can’t You Sea? from the 2006 Brights collection would be. It’s a micro-glittery aquamarine gem that dries with a foil-like finish.

I’m His Coral-friend is the most pigmented of the bunch, the lone two-coater. I haven’t been into corals in a while but this one strikes a chord with me. I don’t know if it’s the finish that looks like I dipped my fingers in a bowl of thick jam or that it’s just a change of pace but I’m diggin’ it.

Banana Bandanna screams summer. This buttery creme looks like it’s supposed to have a shimmery sheen in the bottle but dries glossy and creamy on the nail. I wouldn’t call it a full on lemon yellow like Finger Paints Yellow Bikini. It’s more like the softer version of Chanel L.A. Sunrise.

If The Fuchsia Fits is a pretty typical hot pink shimmer along the lines of Ladies and Magenta-Men and Flashbulb Fuchsia. It applies well but is the most sheer of the bunch. It has a fun light pink flash but it’s not overly unique.
The Sunbelievable collection officially launches in June 2009 but I’ve heard that some stores already have them on shelves. OPI nail polish retails for $8.50 and is carried at professional salons including Beauty Brands, Beauty First, Dillard’s, JCPenney, Pure Beauty, Regis, Trade Secret, and Ulta.

Whatcha think kids? Is it SUNBelievable?

Kicking Off Finger Paints Week

By on May 4, 2009
in Blue, Finger Paints, Purple, Teal with 25 Comments
I am officially declaring this first full week of May Finger Paints Week. Why? Because I can. You see Finger Paints recently introduced 16 new shades to their permanent collection and instead of reviewing them all at once, which would be a LOT of work, I’ll be sharing a few of them with you each day this week.First up, the blues and purples. Check them out after the jump!

I’m on a Finger Paints roll lately, huh? My love affair with Finger Paints has resurfaced and it’s been like reconnecting with an old friend. It’s like no time has passed and you wonder how you ever let this beautiful friendship fade. Well fear not my pal FP, we’re so besties again.

You’ve heard me rave about the smooth silky FP formula, how evenly it applies and these shades are no different. They did require three thin coats to achieve opacity but it’s a small price to pay for color this fab and affordable.

It’s An Original is what I expected (hoped) Chanel Vendetta to look like. A deep rich purple with a hint of shimmer. It leans a bit blue, definitely cool based.

Lavender Highlight is a lavender I can get behind. Most of you know my issues with light lilac and lavender. Love them in the bottle, hate them on me. This color is fills that void in my stash yet it’s dark enough to prevent me from looking alien. LOVE IT!

Art Dealer Teal-er is the greener cousin of FP Sunburst Summer shade, Turquoise Tile. Very similar in finish and feel. It’s as though a few drops of jade fell in a vat of Turquoise Tile and the brains at FP went with it.

Artistic Azure is a shimmery persian blue that has a slight sandwashed feel. Its base is a very vibrant and electric blue that calms to a deeper hue with added layers.
All of these new Finger Paints shades are available now at Sally Beauty Supply and Though before you head out to the store, make sure you visit the site to print off your Buy 2 Get 1 Free coupon (exp 5/31/09). And stay tuned as Finger Paints week continues.

Swatch Request Sunday – Blues and Greens and Berries, Oh My!

I was a busy beaver yesterday, running errands and the like before heading to a Cinco De Mayo party so this week it’s Swatch Request Sunday.

Blues and greens are still on your radar but some purples and berries were added to the mix. To those of you that didn’t get your swatch requests fulfilled, I didn’t forget about you. I still have them on my list and will try to address them next weekend.

When I reviewed the Misa Living On The Fast Lane collection, I mentioned that Push Upon It is a “long lost twin” of OPI Miami Beet. Reader Amanda wrote in asking for proof. Here you go Amanda, I hope this saves you some money. While Miami Beet is a tad brighter, I wouldn’t suggest spending money on both.
After posting about Milani Totally Cool, Lena asked to see it up against fan favorite Zoya Yasmeen. Yasmeen is a richer, warmer, deeper plum as compared to blue based glitter bomb Totally Cool.
Reader crotchfairy wants to see how Illamasqua’s Rampage compares to Rescue Beauty Lounge Recycle. While the shades are close, Rampage is a bit brighter and less pigmented requiring three coats to Recycle’s two.

I assume in the hopes of saving some $$$, MoonChaii requested a comparison between China Glaze Bahamian Escape and Essie Shelter Island. Unfortunately, they are not twins. B.E. is lighter and more pigmented compared to S.I.’s jelly like consistency.
And to finish out the week we have your top request, dusty greens Essie Greenport and Misa Dirty Sexy Money. DSM’s deep, slightly muddy hue may have caused the boyfriend to say “eww” but I’m all over it. And as you can see, it has no close relatives.
That’s it for this week kids. If you have a request, leave a comment or email me at [editor] at [alllacqueredup] dot [com]. The more specific the request, the better. Enjoy what’s left of your weekend.

The ALU Archives – OPI Designer Series Glamour

The ALU Archives focuses on older, beloved shades from the All Lacquered Up stash.

It’s the last day of April and therefore it’s time for the last Rainy Day Blue. Since it’s been a mix of sunlight and rain the past few days, I thought it was apropos to get the best of both worlds by wearing a holographic polish. I chose OPI Designer Series Glamour so my “April showers” colored tips can sparkle in the sun.

For the life of me, I can’t figure out why OPI discontinued this shade. If someone can solve that riddle, could you let me know? Glamour was part of the 3rd Designer Series release in January ’07. It was the blue holo I’d been waiting for. A gorgeous cornflower hue with a hint of amethyst, Glamour still reigns supreme over all the Designer Series shades I own.

And the formula… WOW to the formula. OPI’s exclusive diamond dust formula is highly pigmented and glides on like buttah. It’s a damn shame the new perm DS polishes aren’t filled with holo goodness like this baby.
With a little hunting you can still find Glamour online. The Designer Series polishes retail for $12.50 but you can find them for less on the web.

Misa Living On The Fast Lane

By on April 27, 2009
in Berry, Blue, Green, Misa, Orange, Red, Spring 2009 with 11 Comments
I’m falling in love again
Aint nothing I can do
Falling in love again
Girl this time its with you
- Eagle Eye Cherry

Dear Misa, I’ve officially fallen head over heels back in love with you! I was all “in like” after the Poisoned Passion collection but now we’re talking full on love.

You see, when Misa intro’d their new formula with the Love Connections collection back in Spring ’07, I was less than thrilled. A brand that I was such a fan of, broke my heart with thick, hard to apply polish. Gone were the amazing colors and lovely chemical filled formula. Seriously, the formula was such a PITA it hurt my feelings!

But now it’s all changed for the better. The Living On The Fast Lane collection has gone and flipped the script on me. Misa has given me (yes, I’m pretending that they made it just for me even though I know that’s not true) two fabulous blues, an on-trend muted blue-green and one sassy orange. Oh and there’s a berry and red to boot. Check out the loveliness after the jump!

At some point in the past year, Misa has changed their formula yet again. It’s still massively pigmented but the toluene has been removed. And even though the polish is still thick I’ve found a way to work with it and make each shade look perfect.

Application tip: To avoid a lumpy, bumpy surface I’ve found it’s best to apply the 2nd coat right on top of the first, before it has a chance to dry. I’m telling you, it’s genius. There’s no evening out issues, no pulling at the cuticles and the color is completely opaque. Works like a charm, every time.

Dirty Sexy Money is a stunning dusty blue-green. The name really couldn’t be any more fitting. It’s a gorg, gritty, grayed out green. Though the name makes me a wee bit sad as I’m reminded of the frothy ABC series by the same name that was canceled this year. I love me some Peter Krause and I was beyond PO’d when ABC brought down the axe.

On The Edge oh how I love thee. Let me count the ways… 1. you’re blue (already makes it a winner in my book). 2. you look blue in sunlight, shade, natural light (you get the picture). 3. your application is flawless (trick or no trick). 4. you’re glossy and creamy and PERFECT. I could go on and on. Seriously, will I ever get sick of blues? I hope not.

Stop Rewinding, Just Fast Forward
is a slightly muted cherry red. Like a car that’s been sitting in the sun too long, in need of a good wash and wax.

Push Upon It joins the other berry lacquers that are hitting the scene this season. Much like its long lost twin, OPI Miami Beet, Push Upon It is a deep, rich creme.

If it were up to me, Speed of Life would be renamed “Speed of ALU” because this is SO the type of orange I’m feeling for this summer. In contrast to last year’s more popular neon look, this version has a creamsicle softness with a hint of melon peachiness. Such a wearable hue.

Right Here Now, No More Later is like sky blue on crack. It’s so so vivid. If I could look up and see this shade every day, I’d cut a skylight in my office. This one’s definitely a keeper.
The Misa Living In The Fast Lane collection is avaialable NOW online at, and

What do we think kids? How do you feel about Misa’s formula? Share with the group!

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