Essie Summer 2013 “Naughty Nautical” Swatches & Review
I know once August hits we’re supposed to be all about fall color but, I’m sorry, I’m not ready to give up on summer just yet. Not as long as I can still wear flip-flops and have one last weekend on the parents’ boat in my future. That’s why I’m jazzed about the Essie Summer 2013 “Naughty Nautical” collection.

Essie Naughty Nautical for Summer 2013
The colors and names speak to my nauti-loving heart. Makes me want to wear stripes, boat shoes and rope bracelets, like the ones from Kiel James Patrick. As a whole, this collection screams summer but there are three shades in particular that stood up and said, “love me!” And I do!
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NARS Fury and Galathée Nail Polish for Fall 2013 Swatches & Review
Where my fall and winter wardrobe is concerned, no colors dominate my closet more than purple and grey. No matter what the trend may be each year, they remain my staple shades. From my beloved purple Rebecca Minkoff M.A.B. (scored on Gilt) to my kitten-soft grey sweater dress, it’s a color combination that I just can’t quit. That’s why, when I laid eyes on the NARS Fall 2013 color palette for nails, I was hooked!

NARS Fall 2013 - Fury and Galathée
The theme of Founder and Creative Director François Nars’ collection is rich color impact in signature NARS shades. Well, if the nail colors are any indication, he certainly delivered.
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Throwback Thursday – Zoya Diva Fall 2012 Nail Polish Swatches & Review
With all the new fall collections launching, I keep thinking that it won’t be long before I’m pulling out boots and sweaters. I love fall weather but I hate the snow and cold that so quickly follows it. So, before I launch into reviewing everything that’s new, I thought it would be fun to use this #ThrowbackThursday to look back at the Zoya Diva Fall 2012 collection.
One of the many things I love about Zoya is that, for the most part, their seasonal collections aren’t limited edition. They may not be readily available in stores but you can still find them on Zoya.com. Such is the case with the NYFW-inspired Diva collection. With purple and blue gaining traction as on-trend hues for Fall 2013, the collection is just as relevant this year.
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COVERGIRL Outlast Glosstinis for Summer 2013 Swatches & Review
As far as seasonal nail polish collections go, COVERGIRL has flipped the script with the launch of the COVERGIRL Outlast Stay Brilliant Glosstinis. Packaging their Summer 2013 color palette in a mini bottle is not only a space saver, it reduces waste.
I mean, let’s get real, outside of a handful of beloved shades, when was the last time you finished a full bottle of nail polish? I seriously can’t remember, which is what make the Glosstinis a stroke of genius.

COVERGIRL Outlast Glosstinis
I’ll be honest, when I first heard the term Glosstini, I envisioned a line of sheer jellies and my heart immediately sank. Don’t get me wrong, I love a jelly for layering but, in general, they aren’t flattering on my nails. I was pleasantly surprised, and relieved, to find that the Glosstinis are simply minis of the full coverage, high-gloss polishes I fell in love with months ago.
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