ALU’s 365 of Untrieds – Hard Candy Mr. Wrong
![]() When I first heard that the Hard Candy line was re-launching at WalMart I was excited about the possibility of some beloved vintage shades coming back. However, the line felt like it was geared to a much younger age range so I didn’t seek it out and it pretty much was put on the back burner. Then my friend Steph commented on yesterday’s post that I should try Hard Candy Mr. Wrong and I was all, “HARD CANDY!! How did I forget?” Seriously, I’ve had Mr. Wrong sitting in my stash for a year and a half still sealed in the plastic wrapper. |
ALU’s 365 of Untrieds – Confetti Happy Birthday!
![]() May is my favorite month of the year. For one, it’s when we start to get consistently nice weather in the CLE. Finally! Second, it’s my birthday month. My birthday is the last day of the month so it usually coincides with Memorial Day Weekend which I consider the kickoff to the summer season. Third, May’s birthstone is the emerald which is most likely the cause of my green nail polish obsession. Sometime last summer I noticed the Confetti brand of nail polish popping up at local CVS stores. The range is affordable and filled with a lot of eye catching shades. I’ve had a few of them in my stash for a while now but haven’t used a single one until today. My birthday may be 29 days away but why not start celebrating early by wearing Confetti Happy Birthday! |
ALU’s 365 of Untrieds – butter LONDON No More Waity, Katie
![]() The upcoming Royal Wedding is very polarizing. The Anglophiles are savoring every second of coverage that the nuptials of Prince William and Kate Middleton are receiving. Then there are people like me, who could care less. For the record, I’m not a complainer who wants to stop hearing about it. I respect that people care so I just tune out. What really bugs me though are the companies hawking products with their likenesses, imitations of the engagement ring, etc. And of course there just had to be a nail polish. butter LONDON’s Nonie Creme paid homage to the Royal Couple with the shade No More Waity, Katie, based on a nickname given to Kate by the press. Being that Nonie is British and her nail polish creations all have Brit-themed names, I’m giving her a pass on this one. Mainly because the color intrigued me. If the shade didn’t sound special, I NEVER would have bought it. |
ALU’s 365 of Untrieds – Icing Bet Me And Lose Matte
![]() I rarely make it to an Icing accessory store since we moved a few years ago which is a shame because I really love their polish. The closest one to me is a hual and in a pretty unremarkable mall. With the Cleveland shopping mecca, Beachwood Place, so close, I never see the purpose in traveling to other malls. However, last summer I found myself visiting friends near Detroit and had an afternoon free so I FINALLY got to meet up with K. from Pumps and Gloss for some retail therapy. I introduced her to the wonderful world of Icing nail polish and discovered that they had joined the wonderful world of mattes. Now I know that mattes are “so 2009″ and all but they’re still a great last minute manicure option due to their quick dry time. Besides, the metallic mattes look fantastic with a glossy top coat so polishes like Icing Bet Me And Lose aren’t just one trick ponies. |
ALU’s 365 of Untrieds – Zoya Julieanne
![]() I’ve seen a few comments from readers saying they are disappointed that I won’t be reviewing new nail polish collections. I wanted to reassure you all that that isn’t the case. Just because I am launching this 365 project DOESN’T mean that I won’t be reviewing current collections. The Zoya Wicked collection launched in Fall 2010 as a set of six sparkling shades with names matching the Dancing With The Stars pro dancers. While the collection was pretty, only two colors really stood out to me, Edyta and Julieanne, a smokey olive green and jewel toned purple. Being that my favorite colors are green and purple, in that order, it’s really no surprise that those polishes called out to me. Alas, they’ve been sitting since Fall in my “to be worn” bin and haven’t received the love they deserve. Since I’m pretty season-less in my manicure choices I figured today is as good a day as any to give Zoya Julieanne a whirl. |