365 of Untrieds
ALU’s 365 of Untrieds – Icing Bet Me And Lose Matte
![]() I rarely make it to an Icing accessory store since we moved a few years ago which is a shame because I really love their polish. The closest one to me is a hual and in a pretty unremarkable mall. With the Cleveland shopping mecca, Beachwood Place, so close, I never see the purpose in traveling to other malls. However, last summer I found myself visiting friends near Detroit and had an afternoon free so I FINALLY got to meet up with K. from Pumps and Gloss for some retail therapy. I introduced her to the wonderful world of Icing nail polish and discovered that they had joined the wonderful world of mattes. Now I know that mattes are “so 2009″ and all but they’re still a great last minute manicure option due to their quick dry time. Besides, the metallic mattes look fantastic with a glossy top coat so polishes like Icing Bet Me And Lose aren’t just one trick ponies. |
ALU’s 365 of Untrieds – Funky Fingers Elephunk
![]() I don’t know when the Five Below stores first opened but it’s only been within the past year that I’ve noticed them popping up all over Northeast Ohio. Geared towards tweens and teens, the $5 and under retailer is the new dollar store. While the dollar stores, like Dollar Tree, have been a great source for hard-to-find nail treasures, it seems that Five Below carries brand new product in addition to closeouts. One brand they carry is Funky Fingers, which is produced by Forsythe Cosmetics, a private labeler and owner of Color Club and Art Club. I first spotted Funky Fingers a few years back at a hair store in Chicago on my way back from a MUA Nail Board meetup and I picked up a couple of greens but still haven’t worn them. Today I’m finally taking the plunge Funky Fingers Elephunk. |
ALU’s 365 of Untrieds – Essie Little Brown Dress
![]() Today made me realize why the Bangles sang a song called “Manic Monday.” This was one CLUSTER (as my friend Nancy would say) of a day. I spent my morning aiming a hair dryer at the wall of ice in our beer fridge so I could save the two kegs inside from spoiling. The rest of my afternoon included getting prices on garage door openers since mine decided to die over the weekend while the boyfriend was away at a hockey tournament, of course. By the time I got around to removing my Inglot 646 manicure, I should have expected to find that it STAINED my nails Smurfy blue. After all everything comes in threes, right? Even though my precious Orly Cutique removed most of the staining I was so not in the mood to even think about applying a light colored polish. Instead I decided to itch the brown nail polish scratch that Estee Lauder Chocolate Crave started. I went hunting for an untried brown and stumbled upon Essie Little Brown Dress. |
ALU’s 365 of Untrieds – Inglot O2M 646
![]() The Inglot store in Times Square and I were never meant to meet. I first spotted it over a year ago while on a late night walkabout in the city. I was happy to see that, like most stores in the area, it was open til midnight. Except I pulled on the doors only to find them locked, leaving all the pretty nail polishes within eyesight but out of my reach. A few nights later I returned with a friend only to be rebuffed, yet again,by locked doors even though there were employees inside who refused to look our way. I was BITTER. Then last May I attended The Makeup Show in NYC where Inglot was exhibiting and I finally got my hands on their polishes. Their booth was a madhouse and you had to fight hoards of makeup fiends to get near the table but I exited victorious, three new Inglots in hand. Today I’m giving Inglot 646 from the O2M Breathable Nail Enamel line a try. |
ALU’s 365 of Untrieds – Rimmel London Steel Gray
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