365 of Untrieds
ALU’s 365 of Untrieds – NARS Schiap Nail Polish
![]() As I committed to do, I’m featuring at least one pink/red nail polish each week. This week we’re looking at NARS Schiap. Schiap is interesting in that both the lipstick and nail polish forms of the color seem to have mass appeal even though it’s a shockingly bright shade. I have a love/hate relationship with NARS nail polishes. I love a lot of the colors they’ve put out over the years but I hate the formula because it’s notoriously streaky. Will Schiap follow suit or stand out from the pack? |
ALU’s 365 of Untrieds – Essence Movie Star & Sally Hansen Ice Queen
![]() I try to make drugstore nail polish runs as often as I can. I like to check out the seasonal displays regularly and see what’s new. The last time I was out, maybe a month ago, I noticed a display of Sally Hansen Hard As Nails polishes that included a fun glitter called Ice Queen. I keep meaning to wear it but I didn’t know what I wanted to layer it over. Well I pulled out some of my Essence untrieds today and inspiration hit. There’s something about the moody, neutral hue of Essence Movie Star that made it the perfect partner for the glittery happiness of Ice Queen. |
ALU’s 365 of Untrieds – Revlon Top Speed Emerald
![]() You guys! I am simply flabbergasted and overwhelmed by all your lovely comments, emails and tweets. The love and thoughtfulness of the blogosphere is truly amazing. Thank you, thank you, thank you! As a quick update, my daddy is home and feeling much much better and the outlook on his health is positive. If it taught me anything it’s to take the best possible care of yourself. It’s something I’ve been failing to do and why I have made some changes myself, including joining Weight Watchers. So if you’re looking for a WW buddy, I’m here! Now let’s talk polish, shall we? If you remember my Revlon Vixen review, you’ll recall that I straight up HATED the formula. It was a bubble filled disaster. Well based on a comment suggesting that I give the Revlon Top Speed line a try I decided that instead of completely writing off the brand I would give it one last go with Revlon Emerald. Let’s see how it fared. |
ALU’s 365 of Untrieds – SpaRitual Primitive Nail Polish
![]() Why is it that holiday weeks throw everyone completely out of whack? It’s not like they don’t come back every single year. We as a people should be used to it by now but wow, oh wow, am I tired and continually forgetting what day it is. Thankfully I’m in a world where time doesn’t matter. No, not Vegas though I’ll be there at the end of the month. I’m actually back at Put-In-Bay for a night. One of my childhood besties is visiting so we escaped the CLE for a little girls getaway. To make up for lost time in the land of ALU’s red and pink nail polishes, I’m hitting you with back to back untireds from those color families. Today we travel to berry-ville with SpaRitual Primitive. |