Foot Care
Top 10 Best Pedicure Products, Tools & Tips
Summer is the roughest season on our feet. Sandals expose them to the elements, barefoot walks on the beach, hot concrete or even hardwood floors can all add up to dry skin, cracked heels and ragged cuticles. This week, the Top 10 Tuesday team is focusing on the best pedicure products and I’ve got my five essentials for you with “Splurge” and “Save” options. I’m also sharing my Top 10 pedicure tips, whether you DIY or go to the salon.
Top Ten Tuesday – Winter Skin Care for Hands & Feet
They say if you really want to gauge a woman’s age, look at her hands. Between sun exposure and lack of moisture, it’s one major area a lot of women neglect. Though hands are just as exposed to the elements as the face so, as the cold winter months quickly approach, it’s time to stock up on heavy duty lotions and potions to keep them in tip top shape.
That’s why, as the Top Ten Tuesday bloggers discuss winter skin savers, I’m focusing on the hands and feet. The skin in those areas takes a beating all year long but the dry air and intense temperatures of winter are especially ravaging. See which hand, nail and foot treatments made it into my Top Ten.
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Nail Fanatic Gift Guide – Hands, Feet, Body & More
Looking for the perfect gift for the nail fanatic in your life? Is she the kind of gal that owns 100s of bottles of nail polish so you have no clue what to get? Or perhaps you feel that picking out nail shades is too hard or personal? Well look no further for I have scoured the web to bring you the best holiday gift items for your favorite nail gal.
Hand/Foot Care Gifts: By far, the easiest route is to snatch up a pre-made gift set. Talk about quick and painless shopping. Any of these kits are sure to delight but I’m partial to the ones with gloves/socks because they’re the type of item that I can’t justify splurging on but desperately want.
1. B&BW True Blue Spa Pampering Foot Set Shea Cashmere ($25) 2. Heel To Toe Put Your Feet Up Holiday Kit ($14.99) 3. Bliss The ‘Sock’ettes Spa Set ($68) 4. Bliss I “Glove” New York Set ($64) 5. B&BW True Blue Spa The Model Manicure ($24.50) 6. The Body Shop Peppermint cooling Foot Heaven ($14) 7. Gena Pedi Feet To Go Kit ($14.99)
Make Your Own Gifts: Perhaps you want something a little more personalized well then a make your own gift basket is ideal. Grab a cute bag or basket from a local craft store and fill it with miniature nail goodies. We love anything mini and having lots of nail toys to play with is always fun. I suggest adding a pair of moisturizing gloves or cute slippers, like uber-adorable Lambie’s below.
1. OPI Let’s Play Juicies ($10) 2. CND Scentsations Winterberry Lotion Minis ($3.90) 3. B&BW Lambie Slippers ($10-$16) 4. Bath & Body Works True Blue Spa Beauty Queen Wave ($25) 5. CND Treatment Minis – Stickey, Toughen Up, Air Dry and Super Shiney ($2.25) 6. Poshe Traveling Tootsies Kit ($9.95) 7. CND Solor Oil Minis ($2.25)
Body Care: If your nail fanatic is anything like me, she has a love for all things beauty including indulgent skin care treats. Then I highly recommend Qtica Smart Spa gift sets. The sugar scrub is my all-time favorite “holy grail.” It’s beyond ah-mazing and because it’s gel based (not oil) there’s no messy, slippery residue left in the shower. As an added bonus, these sets include a pair of exfoliating shower gloves and O-M-G are they fantastic. Better than any loofah or sponge I’ve tried.
Qtica Smart Spa Holiday Gift Spas – Lemon Dream & Grapefruit Surprise ($18)
Nail Gal Trinkets: Being from the Midwest, I’ve always heard about the Christmas Wonderland called Bronner’s in Frankenmuth, Michigan but have never been. In case you’re not familiar, it is the world’s largest Christmas store. People travel from all over just to visit. Though I had no idea they have an online store let alone, nail related goodies. A personalized nail polish bottle? Talk about the best ornament ever!!
Bronner’s Nail Tech Ornament ($8.99) and Personalized Nail Polish Ornament ($7.99)
Well there you have it kids. Whether you’re buying for yourself, your wife or BFF, these treats are sure to please. Happy Shopping!
The PedEgg Pedicure File
Who else is an infomercial and “As Seen On TV” junkie? I can’t be the only sucker that has been drawn in by the over-the-top claims, extreme deals and middle of the night shopping impulse. I’ve bought way too many home exercise and diet kits, beauty aids and kitchen accessories. Anyone else got a Makin Bacon or Epil-Stop?
So I’m dealing with a bout of insomnia on a random Friday night while my boyfriend is off playing hockey when I catch a few seconds of a commercial for the PedEgg. A metal foot file that claims to be “safe & gentle” and mess free. Of course I’m buying.
What they claim:
The secret is PedEggâ„¢’s precision micro-files that gently remove calluses and dead skin to give your feet the incredible baby soft look and feel that everybody loves. Two high quality emery buffing pads are included for the ultimate finishing touch. The unique “egg†shape of the PedEggâ„¢ not only looks great, but is ergonomically designed to fit perfectly into the palm of your hand for easy and convenient use. Best of all, PedEggâ„¢ has been designed to collect all the skin shavings in a convenient storage compartment allowing you to use it anywhere with no mess.The test run:
With some products, I have to trick my boyfriend into trying them out but when the PedEgg arrived, he was chomping at the bit to give it a whirl. As I mentioned above, he plays hockey and as gross as it is, he plays barefoot so he can feel the ice better through his skates. As you can imagine (or don’t want to imagine) it takes quite a toll on his tootsies. Because I didn’t want to subject you all to in your face foot pics, I kept them small but if you click on the image you can see the damage and results in better detail.
Using the PedEgg: It’s as simple as rubbing your feet and works best on clean dry skin. Just hold the PedEgg in the palm of your hand and use a gentle back and forth motion. Make sure you go up and down, not in circles or sideways or the blades could cut you. As you file away the dead skin, it collects in the reservoir behind the blades. Included are two self stick emery pads that attach to the bottom of the egg base for the “ultimate finishing touch.”
The results:
- Overall the PedEgg does what it claims. It quickly and gently removes calloused skin. If you have a lot of filing to do, this is a faster method than a traditional file but not necessarily for everyday maintenance. Boyfriend went to town on his callouses and after a good fifteen minutes of filing, he’s soles were really smooth. That is seriously a huge accomplishment.
- It really is painless. I’m a big wuss and I was worried about the PedEgg hurting but I could barely feel it. It’s no different than using a pumice stone or emery file.
- Regardless of the claims, the PedEgg is not mess free. Yes, the egg collects all the dead skin BUT if you turn the egg so the blades are facing down or even tilted down, the shavings fall out through the blade slots. That was an unpleasant discovery on the bathroom floor.
- The other big issue is that if you don’t use the included emery pad or any sort of emery board style file you end up with jagged skin in a couple days. It was so bad I got a runner in my trouser sock. So just like when you file your nails and seal the edge, you have to use a finer grit file to finish and ensure a long lasting effect.
Nail Tip Of The Week: Fake A Pedicure
I was doing my daily blog reading when I came across Baze’s post over at the Glamour Beauty Insider about getting pedicures in the winter. Even though it’s freezing here, when holiday party season hits I still love to pull out my favorite special occasion peep-toes. And in my opinion, that means your nails and feet gotta look good. But you don’t always have time for a full pedicure during the shopping, wrapping, cooking, baking madness of the season. So I say FAKE IT!
In general I’m not a fan of fake anything; acrylics, stark white french manicures, costume jewelry, etc. but in this case I make an exception. I never thought I’d share this with the public but if it helps a fellow nail gal, it’s worth it.
A couple weeks ago my company held their holiday party. Cleveland was snow free so I felt it was safe to wear my black satin peep toe slingbacks. Problem was that my toe polish was chipped and my heels were looking rough from padding around barefoot on my hardwood floors. With the clocking ticking and me running late as usual, I had to rely on my quick fake pedi fix.
I do my fake pedi about an hour before I step in the shower.
- Try on your peep toes and see which toes show, even partials count.
- Remove toe polish.
- Quickly file the nails that will show (if needed). Don’t bother with buffing. No one is getting that close to your feet.
- Slap on two quick coats of color to the toes that will show. Keep an orange stick on hand to remove any wet polish that hits your skin.
- Apply quick drying top coat (Seche Vite, Poshe).
- Wait 30-60 minutes and hop in the shower with your foot file. Scrub scrub scrub your heels.
- Immediately after showering, remove any remaining polish mistakes from your skin/cuticles with your orange stick. The water and steam will soften the skin and make removal a breeze.
- Moisturize your heels with a non-greasy lotion. You don’t want to be slipping on the soles.
- Hop into your shoes and off you go.
No one will know the difference and you’ll feel so much better knowing that your feet look pampered. And no matter how much those cute shoes hurt, DON’T TAKE THEM OFF! There are some secrets you need to keep to yourself.