essie Starry Starry Night is BACK!! Get Ready for Retro Revival.

essie Retro Revival 35th Anniversary Collection
Amazing news, you guys! So good, I am giddy every time I think about it being true.
Let’s back up a sec. A few weeks ago I caught wind of essie releasing a collection to celebrate the iconic brand’s 35th Anniversary, Retro Revival. At the time, five past shades were named for resurrection. Then, during our last #NailGlossip chat (next one is this Sunday), Kellie Gonzo shared the rumor that Starry Starry Night(!!!) was the sixth mystery shade. I mean, could it really be true? That the sought-after shade was making a comeback? Well, late last week essie confirmed its revival to much fanfare.
If you aren’t familiar, keep reading to see why essie Starry Starry Night’s return has nail fanatics, worldwide, in a frenzy!
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TPHP in Nail Polish, Dangerous or Scare Tactic?

TPHP in Nail Polish
A number of click bait articles appeared in my “nail polish” google alert this morning. Things like, “Your Nail Polish Might Be Making You Gain Weight” and “Toxic Nail Polish Ingredient Found in Women’s Bodies.” OMG, you guys, we’re all going to die!! I mean, if we’re going to buy into those melodramatic headlines, we may as well have the proper freak-out response, no? Now I can blame weight gain on my affection for sparkle, and any illness on the need for pretty nails. All jokes aside, let’s break down what is happening.
The Environmental Working Group (EWG) is a non-profit research group dedicated to helping people live a healthier life by knowing more about their environment. They are claiming that an ingredient, TPHP, a suspected endocrine-disrupting chemical, is entering the bloodstream through nail polish, that a number of mainstream brands include the ingredient, and some don’t even list it. The problem is their research has been somewhat alarmist in the past. Like when they reported that 3-Free polishes actually contained Toluene or DBP, and everyone freaked out until it was revealed to be in brands very few people had heard of.
According to the EWG, brands containing TPHP include: Beauty Without Cruelty, butter LONDON, Essie, Maybelline, Milani, Nuance by Salma Hayek, OPI, Orly, Revlon, Sally Hansen, SpaRitual, theBalm, Wet n Wild. The EWG started a petition to ask the brands to remove the ingredient.
To get a different point of view, I turned to Doug Schoon, scientist and nail industry expert/consultant. He’s a go-to expert for the professional nail industry and I knew he would have a take on this situation. Turns out, he has a very lengthy take on it all based on reading the actual research and his 30+ years of experience. You can read ALL of his preliminary findings HERE. My boiled-down take is that the levels of TPHP in the system from nail polish exposure is no more significant than the level found in our bodies from everyday exposure to other environmental factors, and the EWG is blowing things out of proportion.
Finally, there is at least one reporter getting a different perspective instead of just taking the EWG at face value. WWD consulted with a medical expert and a scientist from the Personal Care Product Council, in addition to contacting the named brands (who referred to the PCPC). Their piece is well balanced and informative.
The point of all this… I don’t want you putting down the bottle when you see those alarming headlines, and I want you to educate yourself about both points of view. I personally think additional research is needed to prove that TPHP in nail polish is actually harmful, though I’m totally expecting brands not listed above to add another number to their “Free” list. What are we at now, 25-Free? We’ll soon be polishing our nails with colored water and calling it “50-Free.”
I’d love to hear your take on all of this. Has the crackdown on ingredients gone too far? Do you care about anything over 3-Free?
Chat with Deborah Lippmann This Sunday!

Deborah Lippmann Fall 2015 – Roar
Happy Friday! Do you have fun weekend plans? My back went out last weekend, so I’ve been out of commission all week and am itching to get out of the house. Hello, cabin fever!
Anywho, I hope you’re free Sunday night, July 12th, because we’re chatting with the one and only Deborah Lippmann during #NailGlossip on Twitter. Join in at 9pm est by following me (@AllLacqueredUp), Jen (@ThePolishAholic) and Deborah Lippmann (@DeborahLippmann), and using the hashtag #NailGlossip in your tweets. Mark your calendar now!
Bonus: We’re giving away the Deborah Lippmann Fall 2015 Roar collection (pictured above) to three lucky participants. The collection doesn’t even launch until next week, so you’re getting it before everyone else!
Get your questions ready because Deb will be with us for the full hour. Maybe we can convince her to #BringBackRehab.
Disclosure: Product samples were provided by reps for Deborah Lippmann. Affiliate links may appear in this post. When you purchase through an affiliate link, you help support this site. For more info view my Disclosure Policy.Nail Polish Flip Flops – My New Favorite Thing
Okay, how freakin cute are these Havaianas Flip Flops? I spotted them on the Ricky’s NYC Instagram a few weeks ago, and thanks to a Twitter follower, I was able to pick up a pair at Bed, Bath & Beyond. Thanks to a $5 off coupon, I snagged them for $23.
A little pricey for a couple pieces of rubber, I know, but Havaianas are really well made. These are no $5 Old Navy flip flops that fall apart after one summer. I have five pairs of Havaianas, and the ones I wear most often are 4 years old and going strong. Plus, they’re purple and covered in NAIL POLISH & LIPSTICK!! They were totally made for me and like the BEST pedicure shoes ever, am I right?
Pick up your own pair of Havaianas Slim Cool Flip Flops in yellow or purple at,, and They retail for $28/ea.
What do you think? Are they worth the splurge? Do you plan to get a pair?
Disclosure: I purchased the product featured. Affiliate links appear in this post. When you purchase through an affiliate link, you help support this site. For more info view my Disclosure Policy.Nail News & Deals 1-25-15

Nail News & Deals 1/25/15
Happy Sunday Funday everyone! I hope you are enjoying your weekend and resting up for the week ahead. I’ve been hibernating, enjoying time with the boyfriend and our DVR. ps I’m LOVING Taraji P. Henson on Empire, she’s so the millennial Joan Collins.
I have a couple new nail stories to share with you and some great nail polish deals I spotted and couldn’t help but post.
In case you missed it, Sally Beauty created Monet’s Water Lilies out of nail polish bottles.
Since nail health is a big struggle for me, I took the Nature’s Bounty 30 Day Hair, Skin and Nails Challenge and shared my insights.
I also offered tips on how to improve your nails from the inside and out.
If you are excited about the Morgan Taylor Cinderella collection, MAC is launching a makeup collection for the movie as well.
Word is that Nicole by OPI will be launching a Coca Cola collection this spring. If you’re a Coke fan, like me, be on the lookout at your local mass retailer.
I’ve been writing some nail guides for eBay including predicting the Nail Trends for 2015. You can follow me on eBay to see my latest pieces and collections.
Sally Beauty is offering a New Year, New You Challenge where you could Win a Makeover in NYC.
The Nails Magazine Next Top Nail Artist contest is down to the final three and I’m obsessed with Lexi Martone’s I Love Libertine nails. Go vote for your favorite at
Thanks to Nouveau Cheap, I found this amazing butter LONDON deal to share with you. Get the Gears & Gadgets Ultimate Lacquer Trunk (a $300 value) for $75 with free shipping. Use code LASTCHANCE15
I picked up a couple of the Formula X Explosives in my Black Friday Sephora order and they’re still on sale for $6/ea. I’m obsessed with these matte, colorful glitter top coats. I have Chaotic, TNT and Boom and plan to pick up more. There are other Formula X lines on sale at as well, including the textured Celestials.
A reader recently gave me the heads up that Hautelook had Illamasqua as part of their #ManiMonday sale and I’m devastated that I missed out. Last week they had Nails Inc and tomorrow they’re offering Red Carpet Manicure. I refuse to miss out on another great deal so I signed up at
Disclosure: Affiliate links may appear in this post. When you purchase through an affiliate link, you help support this site. For more info view myDisclosure Policy.