The first nail-focused beauty blog


Nails Inc Arrives at Sephora

The hit UK nail polish brand, Nails Inc, is FINALLY easily available to US Fanatics thanks to their launch at Sephora. Select Sephora stores, including CLE’s own Beachwood Place location, and are now carrying the Nails Inc. line.


Fourty of Nails Inc most popular nail polish colors along with their Special Effects Crackles & 3D Glitters, Crystal Colours and treatments are headed Stateside and I couldn’t be more ecstatic. I’ve been a fan ever since I fell for their Kensington Caviar Top Coat at Cosmoprof a couple years ago and I’m so happy the line will be more accessible to us.  Keep reading for a closer look of which Nails Inc products are coming to Sephora.
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Debating Nail Polish in The New York Times? Yes, I Am

By on July 1, 2011
in News, Press with 73 Comments

The New York Times “Room for Debate” is a regular series that features a diverse group of pundits offering their views on a certain topic. For the most part, the debates focus on political or social issues but today they’re delving into the wild world on nail polish colors and they asked me to share my two cents. It’s pretty uncommon ground for the section and I was proud to be a part of it.

Me and my fellow debaters tackled the subject of bold nail colors and why they have gained such mainstream stature. It’s quite an entertaining read though the comments make it ten times better. Seriously, I don’t want to spoil it for you but believe me, it’s worth a look. Why Did Wild Nail Polish Go Mainstream?


I included my take on the subject here but I encourage you to read the views of all the debaters AND the comments and I hope you’ll lend your thoughts on the topic. Enjoy!

Meet Katie Cazorla star of the first nail reality show – Nail Files

Katie Cazorla star of Nail Files - TV Guide Network Katie Cazorla is small town girl who made dreams come true when she turned her passion for all things nails into owning her own salon, The Painted Nail. Not long after, reality tv came a knocking and now the nail world has its very own reality show, Nail Files, premiering Tuesday night at 10pm EST on the TV Guide Network.Katie and a colorful cast of characters are bringing their larger-than-life personalities to the party and what a party it is. Katie is opening the doors to her salon and her life, putting all the drama, fun and day-to-day business headaches on display. We get to see what it’s like for someone, who started a nail salon from scratch, trying to keep it all together in a crazy town like Los Angeles.

Keep reading to learn more about Katie and what we can expect from Nail Files this season.

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The Controversial J.Crew Pink Nail Polish Ad

By on April 13, 2011
in Essie, News with 118 Comments

There’s been a lot of buzz recently around a J.Crew ad that depicts the company’s president, Jenna Lyons, with her son who has neon pink nail polish on his toes.  It includes the quote, “Lucky for me, I ended up with a boy whose favorite color is pink. Toenail painting is way more fun in neon.”

j.crew controversial ad with Jenna Lyons and her son, a boy, wearing pink nail polish on his toes using an essie neon pink

Why there is such an uproar about this escapes me. Granted, I don’t have, or plan to have, children so I can’t really see this from a parent’s perspective but I’ve always felt that if you aren’t hurting anyone or breaking any laws, do what you damn well please.

We’ve discussed men wearing nail polish in the past and to this day it is still one of my most popular posts, continuing to receive new comments. While there are people against the idea, the majority of us Fanatics seem to be okay with men wearing polish on their hands or feet. So why shouldn’t this apply to little boys? Would we even be talking about this if the color was more “masculine” like gray or black?

When I looked at the ad, I thought, “Oh this is a way to pimp the Essie polishes J.Crew will be carrying this summer.  Using her son will be sure to draw attention.” Not that civilization as we know it is ending because of how she colored her son’s toenails.

Yes, it is eye catching to see a male with neon pink toes. Yes, it obviously got the press to take notice. But how did I learn of this whole controversy? From a reader asking me on Twitter if I knew the name of the polish used in the ad. Enough said!

What are your thoughts on this ordeal? Is it something we should be talking about? Do any of you have young boys in your life that like to polish their nails?  Does it make a difference whether the color is a “girly” pink or “masculine” dark?

ps To answer the reader’s question… I don’t know the shade name but when I find out I will update this post. The Essie polishes used in J.Crew ads are usually for sale on the website but the only pink I is see currently is Forget Me Nots which is not neon.

Miss Me On Nail Talk Radio?? Here’s Your Chance To Catch Up

By on March 1, 2011
in News with 9 Comments

Fanatics, I had an absolute blast talking nails with the ladies behind Nail Talk Radio, Athena Elliott & Naja Green. It was such a pleasure to be on the show and I appreciate all of you who listened, joined the chat and called in with questions. In case you missed the show and want to hear me discuss the origins of ALU, some of my favorite products, the NYFW backstage experience and more you can still catch up by listening to the episode on demand below. Enjoy!

Listen to internet radio with Athena and Naja on Nail Talk Radio

I hope my natural ability to chatter didn’t turn into full on rambling and you enjoyed the show.  I definitely learned a few things, as I always do from tuning in.  Thank to Athena I have a top coat to test out.  I’d love to hear your thoughts on the show.

Also, to all the professionals who are discovering ALU thanks to NTR, welcome!  I hope you’ll share your expertise with us.  We welcome anyone who loves nails here, not just the at-home users.

And be sure to tune in to Nail Talk Radio every Monday night at 10pm EST/7pm PST.  Future guests include Chanel MAN-icurist Tom Bachik, CND Co-Founder Jan Arnold and Essie Weingarten.  What a lineup!  I’ll be tuning in, will you?

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