Do You Subscribe To The Glamour Beautygram?
If you don’t, you certainly should. Because then you wouldn’t have missed seeing All Lacquered Up mentioned in this week’s edition.
The Beautygram is delivered to your email box every week by one of my favorite beauty gurus, Andrea Pomerantz Lustig. She not only writes one of my “must read” magazine columns, Glamour’s Ask Andrea, she also contributes to The Girls In The Beauty Department Blog on
Looking for the scoop on this season’s nail trends and insight on bad celebrity nail behavior, Andrea came to little ‘ole me. I’m so flattered.
The next hot nail color“I’m loving the new dove grays,” nail blogger Michelle Mismas of All Lacquered Up tells me. They’re neutrals with a slightly metallic finish, kind of like Essie’s Great Expectations (here ’tis). She also mentioned the new sheers with colorful opalescent sheens, like CND’s Turquoise Tint. “They’re playful and different, and you don’t have to worry about chipping since they barely show up.” Speaking of chipping, when I asked her which celebrity is most in need of a nail makeover, Mismas didn’t hesitate to call out Lindsay Lohan, who is frequently photographed with chipped polish. “These hues would be perfect for her,” she says.
This week’s Beautygram also includes info on peach blushes, rockin’ dark roots on purpose, the trend of avoiding “trendy” hair and the new terra-cotta look for eyes.
Sign up now and don’t miss out!
Look Who's on
It’s me! I was honored when Jessica from Allure’s Daily Beauty Reporter requested an interview for a post on summer nail trends. Even though she was under the weather and I had TERRIBLE phone reception it was great chatting with her about my favorite shades from the spring/summer collections. Head on over and check it out!
Blogdorf’s Cult Classics
Have you all been following the Cult Classics series over on Blogdorf Goodman? If you haven’t, crawl out from the rock you’ve been living under and check it out. Every year Annie and her group of beauty gurus feature a beauty topic for 40 days and 40 nights. In years past the focus has been on Primers and Beauty Brands but this year Annie has really outdone herself by covering the Cult Classics of beauty.
I’m honored to report that the dear Miss A tapped yours truly to report on the infamous OPI Rainforest. And what better day would there be to feature it than St. Patrick’s Day. So hop on over and check out what I had to say about the green to top all greens.
40 Days and 40 Nights of Beauty Cult Classics – OPI Rainforest
image design: Melanie Parker
All Lacquered Up in Glow Magazine
The article talks about how beauty blogging is making its mark in the mainstream. It’s quite an interesting read. Glow interviewed Elke, founder of the Beauty Blog Network, and fellow BBN member Ellen from Lipstick, Powder n’ Paint for the piece. Click on the images below to read the article in detail. |
Check Me Out
Guess who’s featured on the Glamour beauty blog today? That’s right, yours truly. Andrea interviewed me about fall nail trends and I’m so flattered. Check it out and tell me what you think.
News for the nail-polish-obsessed
The shades I chose for the article are OPI Vodka & Caviar, Zoya Indigo and CND Hyde In The Dark.
For all the Glamour readers that are just discovering All Lacquered Up… WELCOME!