My 15 Seconds of Fame
For those of you outside the Cleveland Plain Dealer circulation area, here is a link to the article that ran today in the PDQ section.
Thankfully the picture was not published online. As much as I appreciate Kim Crow for featuring me, the photograph was horrendous. I look all red and the photographer posed me in an awkward unflattering position. I should have stood my ground and refused to put my hands on my face but my nerves got the best of me. Now as much as I adore you all, if you tell me it’s not that bad, I’ll call you a liar.
Instead I decided to post a more flattering picture I took myself.
I must thank Kim Crow for the flattering and well written article and all of you for your readership and support.
And to all the new readers that are discovering me today… Welcome!
Northeast Ohio Readers – Check It Out
Hey everyone! If live where you can pick up a copy of the Cleveland Plain Dealer, check out this Sunday’s Arts & Life section for an article on me and All Lacquered Up. I had a photo shoot this morning and I need you all to cross your fingers and toes that it turns out well.