Top 10 Best Pedicure Products, Tools & Tips
Summer is the roughest season on our feet. Sandals expose them to the elements, barefoot walks on the beach, hot concrete or even hardwood floors can all add up to dry skin, cracked heels and ragged cuticles. This week, the Top 10 Tuesday team is focusing on the best pedicure products and I’ve got my five essentials for you with “Splurge” and “Save” options. I’m also sharing my Top 10 pedicure tips, whether you DIY or go to the salon.
Ahh, Best Laid Plans…
I stood up on Sunday, literally after writing my last post, and felt a shooting pain in my back. This happened to me one before in my mid-20s with no explanation and again i have no clue what triggered it. Since Sunday I have been flat on my back, moving only out off extreme necessity. Happy Anniversary to me!
I had planned to finish editing my NYE manni pics after having a drink. Clearly that didn’t happen so i wanted to update you all so you don’t think I disappeared. Btw, I’m typing this on my tablet so please excuse any errors. I have appointments with a doctor and chiropractor tomorrow so let’s hope I can get some relief asap. Yes, I’m going to both because I want to cover my bets.
In the meantime I’ve been tearing through my Kindle library and if you’re at all interested in celebrity or Hollywood I suggest you check out Rob Lowe’s autobiography. It’s smart, interesting and seems unreal. The man gives new meaning to destiny and chance encounter. It doesn’t hurt that he’s one of my longest-running celebs crushes, aside from Christian Bale.
I’ll keep you posted on how it ask goes. Keep you fingers crossed.
I’m A Northeast Ohio Chevy Girl
Those I words I never thought I’d utter. You see I grew up in a Ford/Chrysler home so it has never occurred to me to venture into Chevy territory when buying a car. So why am I telling you this? Well the Northeastern Ohio Area Chevy Dealers approached me about participating in their Gotta Love Chevy Girls On The Go program. Over the past few months bloggers from the area have been test driving different Chevy vehicles and doing fun missions that highlight the features of the car. Considering that I have no real experience with Chevy I decided to take on the challenge.
Over the next few weeks myself and two of my fellow CLE bloggers will be driving a Chevy Cruze around town putting it to the test during a harsh Cleveland winter. You can follow our adventures on the Gotta Love Chevy NEO website.
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Fun Vintage Nail Polish Find
Friday night I went out with a couple friends to a local event called the Tremont ArtWalk. Once a month local businesses host art showings from 6-10pm and it’s a great way to support emerging artists along with the unique neighborhood shops.
One of our stops was at a vintage shop where I couldn’t help but peruse the 60s fashion magazines, compacts, atomizers and yes, nail polish. I found, in a random bin, this bottle of “Extra Frosted” nail polish from Clairol and I just had to share.
I didn’t even know Clairol made polish back in the day. Though just seeing the word “frosted” made me cringe. No wonder it always makes me think “grandma polish” because it’s what our grandmothers wore.
I know we’ve talked about old nail polishes in the past but do any of you have a vintage bottle like this? Not necessarily something you would wear but just hang on to as part of your collection?
Welcome to Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week At Lincoln Center
I landed in NYC bright and early this morning to gloomy skies & wind but even with no sleep I’m a ball of energy because it’s Fashion Week!!
I dropped my bag at my hotel and pretty much ran stright to Lincoln Center to cover backstage at Ruffian. The nails were insane! Another hit moon manicure from CND. Details to follow.
I’m checking out the new venue here at Lincoln Center and it is gorgeous. Here are a few quick cell phone shots of the venue for you.