JINsoon Fall 2015 Operetta Collection Swatches & Review

JINsoon Fall 2015 – Operetta
With her Fall 2015 collection, Jin Soon Choi has proven herself a master of the secret shimmer, that subtle glimmer you can see in direct light, but is less noticeable to the casual viewer. It’s like you’re in on a secret that only other nail fanatics know. The five, rich shades of the JINsoon Operetta collection draw inspiration from Art Deco designer Erté and the opulent costumes he designed for operas.
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TPHP in Nail Polish, Dangerous or Scare Tactic?

TPHP in Nail Polish
A number of click bait articles appeared in my “nail polish” google alert this morning. Things like, “Your Nail Polish Might Be Making You Gain Weight” and “Toxic Nail Polish Ingredient Found in Women’s Bodies.” OMG, you guys, we’re all going to die!! I mean, if we’re going to buy into those melodramatic headlines, we may as well have the proper freak-out response, no? Now I can blame weight gain on my affection for sparkle, and any illness on the need for pretty nails. All jokes aside, let’s break down what is happening.
The Environmental Working Group (EWG) is a non-profit research group dedicated to helping people live a healthier life by knowing more about their environment. They are claiming that an ingredient, TPHP, a suspected endocrine-disrupting chemical, is entering the bloodstream through nail polish, that a number of mainstream brands include the ingredient, and some don’t even list it. The problem is their research has been somewhat alarmist in the past. Like when they reported that 3-Free polishes actually contained Toluene or DBP, and everyone freaked out until it was revealed to be in brands very few people had heard of.
According to the EWG, brands containing TPHP include: Beauty Without Cruelty, butter LONDON, Essie, Maybelline, Milani, Nuance by Salma Hayek, OPI, Orly, Revlon, Sally Hansen, SpaRitual, theBalm, Wet n Wild. The EWG started a petition to ask the brands to remove the ingredient.
To get a different point of view, I turned to Doug Schoon, scientist and nail industry expert/consultant. He’s a go-to expert for the professional nail industry and I knew he would have a take on this situation. Turns out, he has a very lengthy take on it all based on reading the actual research and his 30+ years of experience. You can read ALL of his preliminary findings HERE. My boiled-down take is that the levels of TPHP in the system from nail polish exposure is no more significant than the level found in our bodies from everyday exposure to other environmental factors, and the EWG is blowing things out of proportion.
Finally, there is at least one reporter getting a different perspective instead of just taking the EWG at face value. WWD consulted with a medical expert and a scientist from the Personal Care Product Council, in addition to contacting the named brands (who referred to the PCPC). Their piece is well balanced and informative.
The point of all this… I don’t want you putting down the bottle when you see those alarming headlines, and I want you to educate yourself about both points of view. I personally think additional research is needed to prove that TPHP in nail polish is actually harmful, though I’m totally expecting brands not listed above to add another number to their “Free” list. What are we at now, 25-Free? We’ll soon be polishing our nails with colored water and calling it “50-Free.”
I’d love to hear your take on all of this. Has the crackdown on ingredients gone too far? Do you care about anything over 3-Free?
Gradient Snakeskin Nail Art

Gradient Snakeskin Nail Art
Hi all! So, I’m a pretty amateur stamper, but I recently visited Andrea from Chickettes at her new salon gig, and she inspired me to dig out my plates and play. She recommended a new stamper, and I’ve been having a lot of fun. Anyway, I recently picked up a new pair of Superga’s (one of my fave sneaker brands) and they inspired today’s nail art look.
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essie Fall 2015 Leggy Legend Swatches & Review

essie Fall 2015 – Leggy Legend
Happy Fri-yay everyone! I can’t tell you how happy I am to be writing this post on a new laptop. Mine old one deteriorated to the point that I couldn’t edit photos or watch a video without it freezing. Scary and frustrating. I’m ecstatic with my new Lenovo and to have a free moment from classes (so much Calc homework) to be sharing the essie Fall 2015 collection with you today. I shared a nail art look from the collection with you, but now it’s time for the full shebang. These six new shades come in an atypical essie formula. Check it out!
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Behind the Scenes – How I Stay Digitally Organized

Nail Blogging Photo Organization Tips
I wish I was one of those super organized people, but it’s not in my DNA. If you looked in any one of my drawers or closets, you would be horrified. There are just piles of clutter that have been shoved away, so I can keep the house (at least what people see) clean.
I’m trying to combat my natural instinct to keep up a facade of organization, as I showed you in my recent office overhaul. Now, with a brand new laptop on its way (arrives this week!), I’m trying to get my digital life in order as well. Today, I’m sharing what I’ve been doing to inspire my disorganized sisters out there.
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